I’m in the process of switching from gmail back to imap email. So there are a few ‘switching’ pains … but so far so good.
I love the inspiring ending! 18F: We are dedicated to the American public and we’re not done yet
Should I switch from a ChatGPT subscription to Claude? Seems like Claude has at least of as good of a model…
Ooh. Shoutout to Matlab here from @aptera.bsky.social See the video. youtube.com/watch
Thanks ACM and Cloudflare. Now you have me doubting my humanity! I’ve been here for a few minutes. How do I know I’m not an AI ?!? Maybe this really is … the matrix.
The writefull stuff in Overleaf is so terrible at math.
I remember when we learned how to do population weighted versions of these maps! … a rare disappointment from the economist who is usually excellent with data graphics.
A model for writing an abstract and introduction for students? Have them write what they think of as a good conclusion. Take this, make it the abstract. Then take each sentence of this abstract and expand it to paragraph with more detail. This becomes the intro.
Wow. Trying to run a Minecraft server for the kids — without online accounts — has to be one of the most complicated things. I miss dialup multiplayer doom or quake iii servers.
Is there a magic incantation to get ChatGPT just to show you the changed code? e.g. I ask it to make one change. It knows to make one little change, but then… outputs the entire code again. I don’t want to copy/paste all the code because I’ve vetted it already :)
Somehow SAP concur was able to use AI to make submitting a travel request even more annoying. Shocker.
Trying to understand a rise in voc at home that doesn’t seem to be addressed by carbon filters (the big 6lb of carbon kind…)
I wanted to explore the brilliant learning tool. After a year of doing it, I’m going to stop.
Me: this piece seems awfully repetitive with small variations… is it Bach? Why yes it is…
Oh wow, that SD card slot … I mean, how did that get past design for pairing with an apple system? (It should be vertically centered with the USB cards…)? I like Satechi’s designs in the past and they’ve seemed better than this.
I love the organization of this tab structure. By increasing year (wrong) and by string name of semester (wrong!). It’s just a little thing that illustrates the care developers of these CMS systems for courses show for their users.
Why isn’t there an at home test for norovirus?
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